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Day 1--Sunday, the Third Day of September

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 8:01 pm
by Cearnach
Coronation Day is fair, though a slight chill, autumn's first herald, is carried in on the wind from the river. No precipitation is expected.

Characters and their families may have arrived prior to D1, or may trickle in over the course of the day.

Attendance at the Coronation event is mandatory for all noblemen of England, as they will be paying homage to their new king as part of the ceremony. Failure to attend will mean that your character will miss the chance to swear fealty, and thus will not have rights to his lands or titles.


The Coronation: Late Afternoon.
If you are a Noblewoman of rank and must swear fealty, post here.
If you are a Nobleman of rank and must swear fealty, post here.
If you are a second son, foreigner, or non-noble, post here.

The action will be posted in the place in which it occurs. Much of the opening procession will take place in the Nave, but the ceremony itself will take place in the apse, here

The Coronation Feast: Early Evening
The Coronation Feast Interlude [The Challenge]. This will go up in the above thread tomorrow afternoon.
The Coronation Feast: Late Evening. This will go up immediately after the challenge.

Re: Day 1--Sunday, the Third Day of September

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 2:55 am
by Cearnach

I hear the Earl of Essex swooped in and bought up eighty percent of the Mermaid's Rooms.
Jack, he's *really* old...he can't sleep on the ground like these other guys.
No, dummy, he's sub-letting them! I think he stands to make a killing!
Yeah, but he stands *really* slowly, because he's...
Old. Yeah. We get it.

Have you seen that de Beaumont girl?
I know! Sooooo pretty!

Church is gonna be packed.
Yeah, a big crowd's coming down from London for the coronation. It's gonna be standing room only *outside* the abbey.
I hope those Londoners don't break anything. You know they can't be trusted with nice things.
That must be why the lords never let them have any.

I heard Prince John and the Archbishop won't even speak to one another.
I wonder how long that'll last. Hard enough to get Richard to sit still to lick his boots without having to fight John for space.

The King might just be the tallest man I have ever seen.
Yeah, and he never stops moving.
How much does that guy have to eat to keep his energy up?
I have a feeling the kitchen staff are about to find out.