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Giiles de Braose to Marie of France

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:16 am
by Giles de Braose
To the most esteemed Marie de France,

By way of introduction, my name is Giles de Braose second son of WIlliam de Braose, Lord of Bramber. I pray it is not too frightfully forward to write to express my giddy delight to hear that you might be in attendance at this great moot taking place at Westminster in the coming weeks.

I have been a fan of your work for several years and consider your embellished version of "L'Espurgatoire Seint Patriz" to be a masterful improvement upon the original text. I hope that our paths may cross, and that a star struck young man might prove an entertaining enough amusement to be blessed with a few moments of your time to discuss your work.

Yours in hope,
Giles de Braose

Re: Giiles de Braose to Marie of France

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:12 pm
by Marie de France
To Gilles de Braose, a man of discerning taste,

I was touched to receive your letter, with its fine turns of phrase, and am pleased that the Welsh borderlands still produce young men who recognize a good tale when they hear one. I am likewise pleased that we shall soon have the opportunity to meet, and you shall have the opportunity you seek, as well as the good fortune to hear my Lanval, for love of which the Queen has commanded my appearance.

Until we meet, I remain,
Marie de France