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[D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:24 pm
by Cearnach
This is the first step to participate in the Joust Event, which will take place on D5

A table at the Mermaid has been commandeered by the heralds (who are growing increasingly drunk) to enter knights in the registry for the joust. A line begins to form in the EA. Many try, but the entry requirements are quite strict, and many are turned away with the promise that they can beat the stuffing out of the snooty blue-bloods in the Melee later in the tournament.

Event Rules
Registry is a three step process in all, but only 2 will happen today. The third, the Helm Show, will be its own event on a later day. You need to perform both steps to enter.

1) I Sign Up With Who, Now?
The first hurdle is simply finding the herald who has the book. The location is different every tournament, and they like as not skipped off to the pub when the Marshall wasn't looking. Make either a Tourney roll to narrow down the most likely locations, or a Recognize check to spot other knights registering among the crowds.

You may attempt this event three times, once each in the Early Afternoon, Late Afternoon, and Early Evening. Those that fail the first time lose -15 glory from their gains in the joust for tardy registry. Bad Form. Those that fail twice lose -15 glory and must pay an additional £10 to grease the herald's palm so that he'll slip you in the closed registers without alerting the Marshal. Those that fail the third time are unable to locate the register before it closes for good.

Once you find the herald, you must sign your name to the registry and pay out 100 pounds sterling as the entry fee. Proceeds go to funding the Crusade.

2) I am Aragorn, Son of Arathorn

In order to participate in the joust, you must prove your pedigree as a knight to the third generation. Earls and barons are considered natural nobility and skip this step. This feat can be accomplished in one of two ways

A) If your character's grandfather truly was a knight, you may present your pedigree with a speech detailing your grandfather, your father, and yourself and their accomplishments. The speech need not be long, but it cannot be dull. You must make an Orate or a Heraldry check. If successful, you impress the herald with the telling and earn an extra 25 glory.

B) So your granddad wasn't a knight? So what? You can still take any of these soft, inbred, castle-born types any day. Lose one point from your Honor passion and make an Intrigue or an Intimidation check. A success allows you to either hoodwink the herald into believing a false pedigree (in which case you may choose to make the Orate or Heraldry check of option A as a secondary option) or terrifies the herald into accepting your word in lieu of a knuckle sandwich.

Re: [D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 10:48 pm
by Geoffrey of Tournemine
Geoffrey was near the front of the line, as he had easily identified the regular tournament leaders, and they would know exactly where and when to be where they belonged.

He hadn't really needed to show his heraldic papers, but he brought them with anyway. They looked them over and handed them back without any significant change in demeanor. "The..."

"NEXT!" shouted the registrar, not really giving a damn.

Should have spoken up before handing them over. Damn.

D2 EA, Register for Tourney, Recognize, TN 10: 1d20 10 Critical Success

D2 EA, Heraldry, Modifier +5 Same grandfather as King Richard, TN 8: 1d20 13 Failed, No penalty

Re: [D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 4:21 pm
by Simon IV de Montfort
Arriving early in the evening, the flustered Simon arrived near the end of the day, when the herald was tired. One familiarity the two shared was that neither of them were looking for any strife this late into the day.

"You better have a name worth a da-"

"Simon IV de Montfort."

"...Right away, sir."

Simon sighed to his valet.

"Come, Gaston. No one works hard like you, and I'm exhausted. Let's get a drink - my treat."

"Certainly, Sir."

The Herald interjected.

"Sirs, about the fee..."

"Forgive me, I appear to have forgotten most of my coinage. Here is 10 for now, and I'll pay the full in the morrow."

- - -
1) Try 1: Fail13
Try 2: Fail12
Try 3: Success!6
£10 lost, -15 glory from final joust earnings

2) Skipped due to Barony

Re: [D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 6:46 pm
by Henry Piast
Due to unfamiliarity with the language of the Anglo-Normans, Henry had tremendous problems registering, but he made it somehow in the end. At least his pedigree was not in question?

EA2. Event Registration. Recognise 8. Rolling 3 times, stopping at first successful.: 3#1d20 17 18 8

[2 Failures and a Critical Success (which I don't know what it does here)]
[-15 Glory, -10 Pounds]
[Think I have at least an Earl-level pedigree?]

Re: [D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 11:36 am
by Llywelyn mab Iorwerth
Llwelyn tries to find the herald, he really does. He likes to think that he can be cunning and resourceful, but at every turn it seems that people have fun playing games with the Welsh knight.

Llwelyn takes a deep breath, almost relieved that he cannot even be tempted to afford the bribe that he cannot pay.

Well, I still have the lady's marker. I hope that I can put it to better use.
Step 1 failure, cannot compete.

Re: [D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:14 am
by Ranulf de Blondeville
Ranulf de Blondeville, his strong jaw set, arrives at the head of the line. He hands over his documentation, and, before the herald can speak, he launches into his lineage.

"I am Ranulf de Blondeville, 6th Earl of Chester and 4th Earl of Richmond, the son of Hugh de Kevelioc and Bertrade d'Evreux, and grandson of Ranulf de Gernon and Maude of Gloucester of the Royal House."

"Sir, I--"

"Ranulf de Gernon was son of Ranulf le Meschin,"


"who was the son of Richard d'Avranches, who was son of Hugh d'Avranches, called the Wolf,"


"the son of the half-sister of William the Conqueror. As I am thus descended of mighty Earls of Chester back to the second creation, and of the blood of William the Conqueror, I stake my claim to my nobility and the right to ride in this joust."

"Right, yes. Approved."

Roll to Recognize: 10. Success
Registration: Orate roll. Tn 8: 1d20 3
+25 Glory. -100 pounds

Re: [D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:28 am
by Cearnach
William d'Aubigny's pedigree has him descended from a long line of Williams associated with the Earldom of Arundel (he is the 5th), the first of which was a knight in the direct service of William II Rufus, and later became Henry I Beauclerc's butler and later a royal judge. Not bad. Not quite a Plantagenet, of course, but not bad.

Registration: Recognize roll, TN 10: 1d20 1 Success
Registration: Orate roll. Tn 8: 1d20 8 Critical Success. +25 Glory, -100 d'Aubigny pounds.

Re: [D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:36 am
by Cearnach
Robert de Vere stops into the Mermaid and is immediately sucked into a conversation with a slightly drunk Templar. By the end of it, he is so tipsy that he has forgotten entirely why he came in, and nearly stumbles out the door! Fortunately, he trips over the boot of a Surrey knight and collapses to the floor, and upon rising, notices that the herald passing by.

Grabbing the man's heel, he shouts "Sir...Oxford!"

The herald looks down at him in disgust. "Sir, no knight of Oxford would ever so debase himself as to grab a man's heel while supine. Stop pulling my leg."

It seems the hopes of the House of de Vere have been dashed.

Recognize roll, tn 5: 1d20 19
Recognize roll #2, tn 5: 1d20 12
Recognize roll #3, tn 5: 1d20 5

Part 2
Registration: Heraldry roll tn 10 (-2 penalty for incapacity)=tn 8: 1d20 16

Re: [D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:40 am
by Waleran de Beaumont
Although at first he walks right past the Mermaid. "They couldn't be in there! They wouldn't!!" He eventually finds his way inside.

The Earl is marked down for the joust without comment just as soon as the money is passed over.

Registration: Recognize roll, TN 14: 1d20 20
Recognize roll #2, tn 14: 1d20 1

Re: [D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:44 am
by Waleran de Beaumont
A short time after Waleran de Beaumont leaves, another man bearing his heraldry steps up to the table. The herald does a double-take. "My lord, is their something I can do for you?"

"Well, yes, I'd like to put my name down for the joust."

"My lord, we...already have you down. were here, just a moment ago."

"Oh! Right, yes. Yes, I remember. Well, it's all settled and right as rain, then. Right."

And with a strange little bow, he departs.
Registration: Recognize roll, TN 10: 1d20 9

Re: [D2, EA->LE, EVENT] The Main Event--Registration

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:53 am
by Cearnach
After the registration, a Knight of Surrey representing the Warennes and a Knight of Hertford representing the de Clares will round out the Joust. We will understand that the joust is MUCH larger, but these will be the important bouts.

The competitors (so far):
Geoffrey de Tournemine
Simon de Montfort
Henry Piast
Ranulf de Blondeville
William d'Aubigny the younger
Waleran de Beaumont
The False Waleran
A Knight of Surrey
A Knight of Hertford

The joust will be 3 rounds of single-elimination combat, assuming, of course, that people don't run into trouble in the Helm Show roleplay event later.