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[D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:51 am
by Geoffrey of Tournemine
Geoffrey had arranged for a pleasant and well appointed dinner with family and his new fiance. The door to the room was currently open, to avoid need for knocking and answering repeatedly. While he waited he drank wine and read.

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 6:36 pm
by Constance of Brittany
Constance's arrival was swift, she smiled easily enough and greeted Geoff with a soft punch to the shoulder. " are things?" she asked, settling into her seat.

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:53 pm
by Geoffrey of Tournemine
"Well, other than embarrassing myself in the melee, pretty great actually." He smiled warmly at Constance.

"How about yourself?"

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 11:52 pm
by Constance of Brittany
"Ranulf's happy, so I am somewhat less aggravated than I might otherwise be. It's nice when he feels like he is respected by men." She pauses. "Or rather, it's nice when I feel like he is respected by men."

She places her hands on the table. "So, Nichole d'Aubigny and her brother. Any special reason why the d'Aubignys?"

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 2:10 am
by Geoffrey of Tournemine
"Well, they had two eligible and lovely daughters, one of whom fits quite well with my own temperament," he says with a smirk. "Nichole, I think you'll find, has a similar energetic nature to me. And now my proposed plan to you has been set. Earl Arundel has agreed to the proposed marriage with Nichole, the offered price for Northumberland was accepted by Richard, and you are set to have a brother that will be able to provide much more support for you." There was tempered pride there. He was pleased to have accomplished those goals, but he knew it meant a lot of work as well.

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:53 pm
by Constance of Brittany
"That does indeed seem to be cause for celebration. Two such energetic spirits aren't likely to lack things to accomplish in Northumberland. Not pinched between Scotland and Durham as you will be."

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:06 pm
by Geoffrey of Tournemine
He takes her hand and smiles. "Thanks for supporting me and helping seize the opportunity. I appreciate it."

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 7:09 pm
by Constance of Brittany
"It's just good politics, brother. Assuming Ranulf stays loyal, we will share lordship of all the North with Puiset. That makes for as fine, and more remote, a base as Brittany, if just a touch the poorer. You'll need a seneschal for Crehen, you know. Have you given thought to who might fill that role?"

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 7:13 pm
by Geoffrey of Tournemine
"No, everything has been so quick. I need to find someone though," he replies shaking his head. "Any suggestions?" he asks, assuming she might have some since she brought it up.

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 3:23 pm
by Cearnach
"I am not sure. I mean, I can always send you a likely monk from Rennes or Nantes, but you might want to consider if you can find someone who can match your skill." She is about to say more, when a knock at the door heralds the arrival of Nichole and William.

Greetings are offered.

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 3:32 pm
by Geoffrey of Tournemine
With the arrival, Geoffrey invites all to the table. As he chooses a seat between the two most important Ladies in his life, it puts William opposite him with Nichole and Constance on either side. There were greetings and dinner was served, fare that would be expected from the kitchens here. Nothing over the top. Eventually he gets around to sharing the current status.

"So, I supposed I should state that I am glad to have family and future family here with me. It is a happy time for me, with d'Aubigny's acceptance of proposal from myself, and King Richard's acceptance of the offer for Northumbria. So I am to be Earl Geoffrey of Northumbria, of the house Tournemine moving forward. And it will not be long before my fiancé becomes Countess Nichole."

Re: [D8 LE] Dinner with Family

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 12:47 am
by Cearnach
"Hear, hear" says William, quite pleased with the situation, himself. Nichole smiles, the Duchess simply watches you out of the corner of her eye.