[D7, EA-EE, EVENT] Melee Registry
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:07 am
Characters who wish to join the Melee must register with the Earl Marshal in Westminster Hall and pay a fee of £100 in support of the Crusade. Registration is an event of its own, with the following components:
1) Hello, My Name Is [___]. I'm Kind of a Big Deal. [Optional]
Characters may check against their Proud trait to trumpet their accomplishments and prowess. If they are Prideful they may then make an Orate or an Intrigue roll against the Marshal's Recognize roll of 3. If successful, gain +15 glory for impressing the Marshal, indicate your desire for your placement in the Melee (initial charge or reserves, which King's troops (William the Lion or the Lionheart) you wish to serve with, and permanently shift 1 point from Modest to Proud.
2) Sir Manners de Playing-it-Cool.
Being self-confident is one thing, and being objective about one's talents is honorable, but braggarts get on the Earl Marshal's nerves. Likewise, false modesty is the bane of a good knight.
Players need not roll in this component if they are happy to retain a shift in the Pride trait from part 1. Players must roll in this component in all other cases.
Characters rolling in this phase must make a Courtesy roll to get their point about their worthiness across within the bounds of polite conversation. If they are successful, they may choose to place themselves in the Reserves to start the Melee OR negate the Trait shift from the "I'm Kind of a Big Deal" phase.
If a character fails this roll, they annoy the Marshal and their house loses 15 Glory from their winnings in the melee and are assigned wherever the Marshal pleases.
3) Oh, Come On, You Know I'm Good For It!
Sure, everyone wants to support the Crusade, but some knights have other things to spend their money on. Their peasants worked hard for it!
Knights have the option to try to persuade the Earl Marshal to allow them to pay their entrance fee out of the ransoms they will collect through their victories in the melee. To do so, they must first succeed on a Selfish test, then a Stewardship test to carry your arguments. Failure annoys the Marshal; characters who fail either test lose 10 glory from their winnings in the melee.
1) Hello, My Name Is [___]. I'm Kind of a Big Deal. [Optional]
Characters may check against their Proud trait to trumpet their accomplishments and prowess. If they are Prideful they may then make an Orate or an Intrigue roll against the Marshal's Recognize roll of 3. If successful, gain +15 glory for impressing the Marshal, indicate your desire for your placement in the Melee (initial charge or reserves, which King's troops (William the Lion or the Lionheart) you wish to serve with, and permanently shift 1 point from Modest to Proud.
2) Sir Manners de Playing-it-Cool.
Being self-confident is one thing, and being objective about one's talents is honorable, but braggarts get on the Earl Marshal's nerves. Likewise, false modesty is the bane of a good knight.
Players need not roll in this component if they are happy to retain a shift in the Pride trait from part 1. Players must roll in this component in all other cases.
Characters rolling in this phase must make a Courtesy roll to get their point about their worthiness across within the bounds of polite conversation. If they are successful, they may choose to place themselves in the Reserves to start the Melee OR negate the Trait shift from the "I'm Kind of a Big Deal" phase.
If a character fails this roll, they annoy the Marshal and their house loses 15 Glory from their winnings in the melee and are assigned wherever the Marshal pleases.
3) Oh, Come On, You Know I'm Good For It!
Sure, everyone wants to support the Crusade, but some knights have other things to spend their money on. Their peasants worked hard for it!
Knights have the option to try to persuade the Earl Marshal to allow them to pay their entrance fee out of the ransoms they will collect through their victories in the melee. To do so, they must first succeed on a Selfish test, then a Stewardship test to carry your arguments. Failure annoys the Marshal; characters who fail either test lose 10 glory from their winnings in the melee.