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[D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:19 pm
by Giles de Braose
Cearnach wrote:
Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:11 am

The debate turns on rolls of any of these skills:
Religion (Roman Catholicism)

Note that your argument should reflect the skill that you are using.

Each attempt consists of at least 4 rolls.

1. A successful skill roll with one of the above skills to broach the subject. Please make sure your opening statement is open enough to entertain comment. Successfully broached subjects earn 10 points.

2-4. Each of the Great Ladies will comment on your subject, and you will be invited to reply to their comment. This will take the form of contested rolls. Success with Queen Ermengarde's intervention will net 15 glory. Success with Marie de France's intervention will earn 20 glory. Success with Eleanor of Aquitaine's intervention will earn 30 glory.

Optional 5-?: In addition, a PC may intervene once during the event on another PC's argument. The victor of that exchange will earn 15 glory.
"Ladies and Lords of the Court, we find ourselves blessed in singularity in human history, to be fortunate enough to live in a time such as this a time when love is rising to the forefront. Noble, courtly chivalric love, a selfless giving love greater than ourselves."

GIles walks slowly around the room, looking at the debaters, the judges, and the crowds as he speaks.

"And it gives, not just to those who are blessed to fall under the watchful gaze of another, but to all of us, all of the Court as well. We've all seen it, the furtive looks around the room, the young knight sweating in his fancy foppish finery for fear his secret should be discovered. The titters behind the fans of the maids in waiting as a gift finds its way to a Duchess or a Countess with no name attached."

"We've all played the game, trying our hardest to sleuth our way through the clues we spy, the signs we observe, the gossip we gather around ourselves like cloaks against the cold. Love gives us so much, even to those who are not yet blessed to possess it, it is only right we should honor it in this way, on this day."

D6 LM Court of Love Intrigue TN15: 1d20 6

Re: [D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:09 pm
by Queen Ermengarde
"Mister de Braose, surely the wide experience of such embarrassment and anxiety can only be termed a misfortune. After all, time spent fretting about ephemera is surely time that would be better spent at one's duties, no?"

Court of Love Stewardship, tn 10: 1d20 14 Failed argument.

Re: [D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:26 pm
by Giles de Braose
"Her Majesty raises a fine point of course, we are all duty bound to offer the best of ourselves to our families, our King and our Lord. But how much can we give before there is nothing left but an empty cup to pour from? Even Our Lord in Heaven recognizes the need for time spent away from duty, for does not Exodus 20:10 tell us 'The seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates.' "

"I am sure that if our Lord in Heaven can spare us a day, our Lords on Earth can spare us a few minutes?"

D6 LM Court of Love Religion TN10: 1d20 8 SUCCESS

Re: [D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:24 pm
by Marie de France
Marie de France cuts in. "Sir, your point is well taken. Love is an appropriate pastime for one's leisure hours. I wonder, though, now that we have given it its proper place--a sunday kind of love, if you will--if we might now seek to find some sort of definition. What precisely is this thing called love?"

Romance, tn 15: 1d20 3

Re: [D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:21 pm
by Giles de Braose
"What is love?" Giles managed to ask, clarifying the question before his breath caught in his throat and his heart swelled in his chest.

For her, of all people, to ask that question, of all questions, Giles thought to himself. He was at once terrified and excited, inspired and intimidated. But most of all he was emboldened.

"A wonderful question, but one I'm not sure I can answer except with another question in return. Can you describe to me the colour blue milady? It's a simple thing, we see it every day and we all know it when we see it, but can we truly put it into words? Some when asked would point me to the blue sky of a summer day untouched by the slightest wisp of cloud, another the deep, rich blue of a favourite dress from when she was a young girl." Giles speaks out loud to the hall, before moving up closer to the dais and kneeling before the assembled judges right in front of the famed author who had asked the question.

"Or the crystalline blue in your eyes that could so snare a man's heart and soul and keep him lost forever." He whispered, dropping his voice to a volume audible only to the ladies upon the dais before he clears his throat and starts to sing. Acoustics being what they are, the song carries to most of the hall, although most would need to strain to hear it. Most, but not the recipient from whom Giles' eyes never wavered.

Obviously not quite so much of a rock song, but from a lyrical perspective...this is the intended message

Rising slowly, he offers a dip of his head to the judges before stepping back to the floor.

"I would close my response saying that love is many different things to many different people, it defies classification or categorization. I could tell you all what love means to me, but it is a far richer and more rewarding journey for each to discover it themselves."

D6 LM Passion (Amor) TN10: 1d20 6 +10 Singing

D6 LM Singing for Marie TN20: 1d20 8 SUCCESS (and higher roll than Marie)

Re: [D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:39 pm
by Eleanor of Aquitaine
Marie smiles a bit, but now it is Eleanor's turn.

"And what do I want love to be?" she asks, her voice warbling a little with age. "If it is so changeable as you say, and if it dwells solely in the eye of the beholder, can love truly be shared? After all, it necessarily follows that what one partner is experiencing when he says "love," is only love as he understands it and sees it, and it would be most common that the other would be experiencing something entirely different, but called the same. Are we then to pray for coincidence to strike, and for the contradiction in the two definitions to be masked by the use of the one term in the one moment? Or is there hope for a truly shared experience?"

Court of Love: Orate, tn 16: 1d20 5

Re: [D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:59 pm
by Giles de Braose
For a few moments Giles ponders the question, for a few moments too long it seems for by the time his answer comes, he has lost the window in which he might have impressed Eleanor.

"There are many loves in this world, from the lowly wandering eyes of love's cousin lust to the noblest of loves, akin to Arthur and Guinevere, from the histories Monseiur l'Ecrivain referenced. Unfortunately it is as you say my Queen, that perfect symbiotic love, that joining of heart, body and soul? It is a dream that most of us will never realize, but nor should it be."

He lifts his arms to the crowd. "Greatness is not common and should not be easy, and not all love is perfect. But hope, yes there is always hope, with every fiber of my soul, I believe it."

D6 LM Love Doctor - Orate for Eleanor TN10: 1d20 18 Failure

(Floor is open to challengers)

Re: [D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 am
by Cearnach
Giles de Braose wins 35 Glory!

Re: [D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 am
by Giles de Braose
Cearnach wrote:
Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 am
Giles de Braose wins 35 Glory!
35, not 45?

10 base + 15 queen Ermengarde + 20 marie?

Re: [D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:24 pm
by Cearnach
Yep, you're right!

Re: [D6 LM] The Love Doctor Is In

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 7:56 pm
by Giles de Braose
Donate to Lord Chancellor office please and thankyou